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l histoire de la premierre camaro

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l histoire de la premierre camaro Empty l histoire de la premierre camaro

Message par firebuick 27/2/2015, 19:23

la camaro  00001  


Date d'inscription : 14/12/2009

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l histoire de la premierre camaro Empty Re: l histoire de la premierre camaro

Message par slingshot 27/2/2015, 20:45

Belle histoire ! Merci Donald .


Date d'inscription : 22/12/2009

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l histoire de la premierre camaro Empty Re: l histoire de la premierre camaro

Message par Domtruck 28/2/2015, 21:03

Tout comme la Mustang, la Camaro n'a jamais arrêté d'être produite

Très belle histoire en effet!

Date d'inscription : 27/12/2010

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l histoire de la premierre camaro Empty Re: l histoire de la premierre camaro

Message par dart 28/2/2015, 21:40

Domtruck a écrit:Tout comme la Mustang, la Camaro n'a jamais arrêté d'être produite

Très belle histoire en effet!
Désolé mais la camaro a arrêter d'être produite!
After 35 straight years of Camaros rolling off the line, Chevy pressed the giant red stop button in 2002. The current F-Body platform that the car was based on was phased out, and at the time, demand for this type of sports coupe was at a low. Lucky for enthusiasts, it wasn't long before designers Tom Peters and Bob Boniface went back to the drawing board in '05. In January of '06, a new concept, which paid homage to the first-generation Camaro, was launched at the Detroit International Motor Show. The two-door, four-seat, rear-wheel coupe housed a 6.0L, 366-cu-in LS2 V8 that produced 400 horsepower and was linked with a T-56 six-speed manual trans. Exactly one year later, the convertible model, sporting a sleek Hugger orange paint job with dark gray racing stripes also showed its face for the first time in Detroit, with the main differences coming on the rear fenders and a reworked interior.

Un 4 portes ouin pis mechant taxi!l histoire de la premierre camaro 465148 l histoire de la premierre camaro 465148 
l histoire de la premierre camaro Ban_da12

Date d'inscription : 24/10/2009

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l histoire de la premierre camaro Empty Re: l histoire de la premierre camaro

Message par Domtruck 1/3/2015, 07:27

Merci Dart!

J'aurais dû écrire : Qui est toujours produite!

J'avais oublié ce fameux creux, 7 ans c'est pas rien...

Date d'inscription : 27/12/2010

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l histoire de la premierre camaro Empty Re: l histoire de la premierre camaro

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