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Chainlink extreme 4x4

4 participants

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Chainlink extreme 4x4 Empty Chainlink extreme 4x4

Message par 350 v8 6/1/2010, 20:52

Shocked Shocked Chainlink extreme 4x4 569820 Chainlink extreme 4x4 259890

Cams hydraulic Chain-drive 4x4, about 7 feet of up OR down motion on each tire: specs below Engine is a fuel injected Ford 5.0 V8 out of a '93 cobra mustang, c4 transmission and t-case out of an early bronco. 9" w/ 5.38 gears and ARB air locker mounted in the center (below driver) running chain gears on the ends where the swing arms pivot. Swing arms are hydraulically controlled individually or together, and there is coil spring and shock suspension as well. large chains running inside the swing arms turn hummer gear reduction (2:1) hubs at each wheel. tires are 39.5". The steering is linked through the swing arms as well and the steering box is mounted just infront of the axle below the driver. body construction is steel tubing (mostly DOM) and the total weight is 5900 LBS.

Chainlink extreme 4x4
350 v8
350 v8

Date d'inscription : 16/12/2009

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Chainlink extreme 4x4 Empty Re: Chainlink extreme 4x4

Message par Chevy73 6/1/2010, 20:55

C'est fou affraid

Date d'inscription : 10/10/2009

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Chainlink extreme 4x4 Empty Re: Chainlink extreme 4x4

Message par 350 v8 6/1/2010, 20:56

cé pas si fou que ça Chainlink extreme 4x4 175242

Chevy75 a écrit:C'est fou affraid
350 v8
350 v8

Date d'inscription : 16/12/2009

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Chainlink extreme 4x4 Empty Re: Chainlink extreme 4x4

Message par mopar340 6/1/2010, 20:56

c'est mieux pensé que un hummer meme

Date d'inscription : 11/10/2009

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Chainlink extreme 4x4 Empty Re: Chainlink extreme 4x4

Message par firebuick 7/1/2010, 01:03

ces bien penser en plus de articulation sa enleve 2 grosse nuisance en 4x4 de trail les 2 drive shaft et les 2 differentiel Chainlink extreme 4x4 323602

Date d'inscription : 14/12/2009

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Chainlink extreme 4x4 Empty Re: Chainlink extreme 4x4

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