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1951 Henry J alberta

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1951 Henry J alberta Empty 1951 Henry J alberta

Message par black 7/1/2012, 19:51

1951 Henry J . This is a very solid RUST FREE car that is now mounted on a S10 frame with a 350 Chev 4 barrel ( crate motor MKO 10036036 ) Edelbrock intake, Edelbrock Carb, Headman headers, and Accel dist. / auto trany, New floor all welded in , GM tint column , 4 matching Alloy wheels and recessed firewall . Comes with all the lights , bumpers and valance not shown in pictures . All the hard work done on this one ! Only $3500.00

1951 Henry J alberta 51J3


Date d'inscription : 22/10/2009

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1951 Henry J alberta Empty Re: 1951 Henry J alberta

Message par max teg racing 23/5/2012, 12:52

what year the s10 frame??

max teg racing

Date d'inscription : 22/02/2011

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